Sunday, October 31, 2010

San Jose foothills

Both Rich and I love the eastern hills of San Jose. Yesterday, he showed me a childhood house that he lived in, located right along the foot of one of the hills. While living there, he could peer out of his upstairs bedroom window and view the green-brown hills.

The founder of MacIntosh, Steve Jobs, once visited one of Rich's neighbors and told him about a great idea he had. He asked the neighbor if he wanted to go in on him--invest some money in this new business, but the neighbor backed out explaining that he was "fully committed."

This is one of the reasons I love living here in Silicon Valley. It's teaming with brilliant minds and forward thinking individuals and I'm hoping some of it can rub off on me.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Returning to Santa Cruz

I'm back in Santa Cruz after being gone for two months. I like the fact that I know my way around and that I have some friends here now. I got off the bus in the early evening and cast about for something fun to do. Nurey had introduced me to an arts movie theater off of Pacific Avenue, the Rio Theater, and that is where I ended up. I splurged almost all my money but did not regret it!

Last night in Santa Cruz
I completely lost the blues
when I spent my last ten spot
on a movie seat I bought.

For a movie called Howl
about a poet named Al,
who talked about his poetry
and his homosexuality,

But he really blew my mind
with his poem called Holy Holy!
