Friday, August 21, 2009

Introduction to this blog

The nice thing about the internet is that anyone can become a writer. One can join a blog site and just start typing away. Two recent events have inspired me to start a blog--reading Jo Pearson's travels to various Iowa wineries (Iowa Wineries Project), and seeing the movie, Julie and Julia. So, I don't really want to make a big deal of this. I just want to share some of my adventures out here in California.

Though not everybody would consider living in California an adventure, I do. For I have only been out here a little more than a year, and moving to California from Iowa, was a big accomplishment for me. I had been drawn to the state for years and years and never found the wherewithal to make the move. Now, finally, I am here, and I love it. I find so many things out here, through an Iowan's eyes, an adventure. So, taking some pictures and writing a few lines about the various places I visit, I thought I would share these adventures with others who may never make it out to California, but should.

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